Analyzing both the Cause and the Shortage Error of the Capacity Fuel Content Gauge 电容式燃油油量表少指误差及其原因分析
It is proved that content of residual elements of steel, especially copper, is the key factor on causing edge cracks of hot-rolled light gauge strips by mass of data of production practice. 通过大量的生产试验与数据,证明了钢中残余元素特别是Cu含量是引起热轧薄板边裂的主要原因。
Measuremnt of water content in semi-humid sandy land by using IAE-ⅱ nutron moisture gauge IAE&Ⅱ型中子水分仪在半湿润沙地中的应用研究
Study on on-Line Measurement of Grain Moisture Content by Neutron Gauge 谷物含水率中子法在线测量的可行性研究
The low residual element content in steel is required for thin slab continuous casting and light gauge strip rolling. The scrap steel substitute must be charged to dilute the residual in scrap steel, because it is very difficult to reach the requirement if charge scrap only. 薄板坯连铸和轧制薄规格产品均要求钢中残余元素含量低,而用一般的废钢冶炼很难达到其要求,必须用废钢代用品进行稀释。
At last, this thesis also shows the experimental data of measuring asphalt content, it shows obviously that the tester is fit in with applicable needs, so that it can realize the gauge's computer control, automation, miniaturization, portability and on-the-spot application. 最后本论文又给出了沥青含量的测量研究实验数据,其中可看出本测试仪完全适合使用需要,从而实现了本测试仪的微机控制及自动化、小型化和便携、现场应用之目的。
Experiment measurement and comparison of stability of asphalt content gauge with neutrons 中子法沥青含量测试箱稳定性的实验测量及对比
Stability of asphalt content gauge with neutrons is discussed. Asphalt content s in some conditions are measured and compared with the chemical method. 研究了中子法测沥青含量测试箱的稳定性,测量了几种情况下的沥青混合料中的沥青含量,并与离心分离法作了比较。